Milestone Education & Visa Service Pvt. Ltd.

15 +

Years Of

About Us

We understand that the process of studying abroad can be daunting, which is why our team of experienced counselors and advisors work closely with students to provide personalized guidance on choosing the right courses and institutions that align with their academic and career goals. Additionally, at Milestone Education and Visa Services, we go beyond study preparation and offer job placement services to help students and graduates secure rewarding career opportunities in their chosen fields. We collaborate with reputable companies and organizations worldwide to ensure our candidates are well-prepared and connected to exciting employment prospects.

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Our Services
Career Counseling

Career Counseling

Milestone Education Consultancy understands that choosing the right career path is a critical decision for any student.They offer personalized career counseling sessions to help students identify their interests, strengths, and goals.At Milestone,we're more than consultants—we're architects of dreams and champions of success.Our Career Counseling service is designed to empower you on your educational and professional journey.Through personalized guidance, our experienced counselors help you uncover your strengths, explore diverse career options,and make informed decisions about your academic future.

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Visa Guidance

Visa Guidance

Navigating the visa application process can be daunting. Milestone Education Consultancy simplifies this process by offering step-by-step guidance on visa requirements and assisting students in gathering the necessary documents for a successful visa application. 

Embarking on international opportunities requires more than just a dream—it demands meticulous planning and expert guidance. At Milestone, our Visa Guidance service is your key to unlocking seamless global experiences. We understand the complexities of visa processes and are dedicated to making your journey smooth and stress-free.

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Documentation Guidance

Documentation Guidance

While not all universities need interviews as part of the admissions process, many do require meetings online before accepting applications. Embarking on an international venture often comes with a trail of paperwork. At Milestone, our Documentation Guidance service is your compass in navigating the complexities of documentation, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. We recognize that meticulous preparation is key, and our experts are here to guide you at every step.

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Admission Guidelines

Admission Guidelines

We guide the students for admission and help them to understand the admission guidelines in a easy way. online before accepting applications .we helps student for his/her better future. We guide students for cheap admission colleges in foreign country.

Embarking on an educational journey abroad is a significant step, and at Milestone, we understand the importance of securing admission to the right institution. Our Admission Guidance service is designed to be your trusted companion in this pivotal process, providing expert support to help you achieve your academic aspirations.

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Educational Pathway Planning

Educational Pathway Planning

Each student is unique, and their educational journey should reflect their individual aspirations .Milestone Education provides expert guidance in charting the ideal educational pathway in abroad. Embarking on an international education journey is a transformative experience, and at Milestone, we believe that a well-planned pathway is the key to success. Our Education Pathway Planning service is your compass in navigating the intricate landscape of global education, ensuring you take every step with purpose and confidence.

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Post Arrival Support

Post Arrival Support

Moving to a new country can be overwhelming. Milestone Educational Consultancy offers post-arrival support, guiding students through their initial days in abroad.

The journey doesn't end at arrival; it's a new beginning. Milestone is committed to ensuring your seamless transition into a new chapter of life with our Post Arrival Support service. Beyond borders and classrooms, we stand by you, offering a helping hand as you navigate the practicalities of settling into a new country.

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Our Blog

Cost of living for Nepalese Students in Australia

Living Cost of an International Students in major cities in Australia

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Best Abroad Study Destination for Nepali Student

Best Study Destinations to Study Abroad for Nepalese Students 

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